
Online Security

Unique Identifiers

To access your account, you are required to enter valid access codes such as a customer/user identification code and password. Without proper identification, access to your account information is denied.

Secure Browsers and Encryption

We require the use of secure browsers when you access our online services. Secure browsers allow protected communication with our Web site by encrypting the information between you and our site. We utilize Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, which converts sensitive information transmitted over the Internet between your computer's browser and our computer systems (like your password and customer/user identification code) into secure code that is highly unlikely to be read by unauthorized parties. To access your account perform transactions, we require the use of a Web browser that supports a 128-bit SSL encryption technology – among the strongest and most widely used methods of securing Internet transactions. You can tell your information is being protected when you see a URL that begins with “https” (instead of “http”) in the address line and a secure symbol, such as a closed padlock or key icon, at the bottom of your browser screen.


In addition, the computers that run our Web site are protected by constantly monitored firewalls that act as a barrier between the Internet and our secure computer network – preventing unauthorized access. Every message that enters or leaves our network passes through the firewall. Messages that do not meet our criteria are blocked.

Virus Protection

We employ up-to-date anti-virus protection technology to detect viruses and prevent them from entering our computer network.

Session Timeout

For additional protection, our online applications have a timeout feature that automatically ends your session after a certain period of inactivity.

Need Help?

The Cenovus Retiree Benefits Centre can be reached Toll-free at 
1-855-770-4316. Representatives will be able to assist you with details and requirements, Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. MST